Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom reaches out to Faith Community in KZN
/Faith groups watch Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom / Videovision Entertainment (p)
140 church leaders from Durban and the broader KwaZulu-Natal region attended a special screening of Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom at Ster Kinekor Gateway yesterday. The film made a huge impact on the church leaders who were moved by the film.
Comments from the church leaders after the screening included "Madiba was a leader who led by example", "We need to nurture and raise the current generation with the values of love, forgiveness and reconciliation that Madiba portrayed, living out God's message in today's times", "Every South African should see the film as it also raises important moral values and choices".
A faith companion guide for the film has been created as an aid to reflection and prayer, which explores some of the most important themes raised by Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom. The guide can be used for personal study, post-movie family debates or larger faith discussion groups. The intention of the guide is to help relate the moving story of Nelson Mandela to one's own personal life.
Pastor Clive Gopaul of the Conquering Through Prayer Ministries Church said, "The values of Madiba which are stated in the Film Faith Companion Aid, must help our nation to focus on the inner strength that he possessed. This inner strength which could only come from God, will sustain us to make great strides for the future of our nation, thereby upholding his legacy".